Friday, 4 March 2016

Computer Problems to Use Facebook

Facebook has become an integral part of many people's daily lives by keeping them connected to friends and family, which can make not being able to get on the site quite frustrating. Facebook does experience occasional downtime and other issues, but if you're consistently having problems accessing it, a browsing filter, firewall or outdated software could be the culprit.

Browser Requirements
You may have problems accessing Facebook if you haven't upgraded your Internet browser in awhile. As of 2011, Facebook recommends using Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3 or Safari 4 for the best user experience. Updates to these browsers are free and can be found at the companies' websites. Some older computers may not be able to run the latest browser version and, therefore, have trouble displaying Facebook and other sites correctly.

Administrative Blocks
If you're trying to access Facebook from a work computer and are getting an "Access Denied" or "Site Blocked" message, chances are the company has installed Internet filters that block employees' access to Facebook and other "time-wasting" sites. Unless you have a legitimate work reason for accessing Facebook on company time, you probably won't be able to get around the block, and trying to do so without permission could get you in trouble.

Home Blocks
Home computers also have tools to block certain websites; parents often install them to keep kids' Web activity under control. If this is your situation, you will have to talk to Mom and Dad about unblocking Facebook for you. If you have a PC with multiple user accounts, the "admin" is often the only account with permission to install or uninstall filtering software and extensions; you'll need to be logged into this account to change a filter's settings.

Many computers and their antivirus programs now enable firewalls by default. Firewalls help protect your computer from malicious viruses and software, but sometimes they block access to sites you legitimately want to access. If you suspect your firewall is limiting your Facebook access, check the settings in Windows' Control Panel or in the program that enables the firewall, such as your antivirus software or wireless router software. Making the settings more permissible could solve the problem.

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