In order to keep awkward social-networking interactions to a minimum, Facebook famously does not notify you when someone removes you as a friend or denies your friend request. However, inquiring minds want to know, and outside developers have stepped up to the challenge. If you use certain Web browsers, a free Greasemonkey script will tell you when you're removed from a friends list; otherwise, you'll have to check on your status with individual friends manually.
Go to the Unfriend Finder installation page. This extension works with the Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari Web browsers.
Click "Install" to install Unfriend Finder. Then, click "OK" or "Install" on the dialog box that pops up after the script has been downloaded.
Go to your Facebook home page and follow the instructions that pop up to configure Unfriend Finder.
Click "Unfriends" in the left-hand navigation column to see a list of people who have unfriended you or deactivated their profiles. Unfriend Finder only works from the time it's installed; you won't be notified of people who have unfriended you in the past.
Click the "Friends" link on your Facebook profile to see a full list of your friends.
Scan your list for the friends you think may be missing; they're sorted alphabetically by first name.
Search for your friend's name in the main Search box and click on his or her profile when it appears. If you see the "Add as Friend" button at the top of the profile page, that means one of you has unfriended the other.
Click "Install" to install Unfriend Finder. Then, click "OK" or "Install" on the dialog box that pops up after the script has been downloaded.
Go to your Facebook home page and follow the instructions that pop up to configure Unfriend Finder.
Click "Unfriends" in the left-hand navigation column to see a list of people who have unfriended you or deactivated their profiles. Unfriend Finder only works from the time it's installed; you won't be notified of people who have unfriended you in the past.
Click the "Friends" link on your Facebook profile to see a full list of your friends.
Scan your list for the friends you think may be missing; they're sorted alphabetically by first name.
Search for your friend's name in the main Search box and click on his or her profile when it appears. If you see the "Add as Friend" button at the top of the profile page, that means one of you has unfriended the other.