In a 2019 update, facebook made its page font smaller. While the layout is still clean and somewhat easy to read, the smaller font size can give you a headache after a while. Unfortunately, Facebook itself does not offer a mechanism to change font sizes, but your browser does. Most of the major browsers let you zoom in and out on a page, meaning that you do have some control over the size of the fonts on the page.
Open Facebook.
Select "View," "Zoom," and then "Zoom In" from the main menu to make the page appear larger.
Select "View," "Zoom," "Zoom Out" from the main menu to make the page appear smaller.
Internet Explorer
Open Facebook.
Select "Page," "Zoom," "Zoom In" to make the page larger. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
Select "Page," "Zoom," "Zoom Out" to make the page smaller. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
Select "Page," "Zoom," and a percentage to set the page to a particular size. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
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You can also use your keyboard to zoom in or out. On a Mac, press "Cmd-+" to zoom in, or "Cmd- ("Cmd" and the "minus" sign) to zoom out. On the PC, press "Ctrl-+" to zoom in and "Ctrl-" (Ctrl" and the "minus" sign) to zoom out.
Open Facebook.
Select "View," "Zoom," and then "Zoom In" from the main menu to make the page appear larger.
Select "View," "Zoom," "Zoom Out" from the main menu to make the page appear smaller.
Internet Explorer
Open Facebook.
Select "Page," "Zoom," "Zoom In" to make the page larger. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
Select "Page," "Zoom," "Zoom Out" to make the page smaller. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
Select "Page," "Zoom," and a percentage to set the page to a particular size. You can also click the "Zoom" menu in the bottom right of the page to see zoom options.
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Tips & Warnings
You can also use your keyboard to zoom in or out. On a Mac, press "Cmd-+" to zoom in, or "Cmd- ("Cmd" and the "minus" sign) to zoom out. On the PC, press "Ctrl-+" to zoom in and "Ctrl-" (Ctrl" and the "minus" sign) to zoom out.