Friday 1 April 2016

Make Golf Tournament Flier

Golf tournaments require promotion to secure participants, volunteers and sponsors. Fliers can be a great way to attract attention, whether they’re posted in prominent areas or handed out at the pro shop desk. Make sure they include key information, and designs that draw attention, to maximize their impact on each target audience.

Key Information
Make sure the golf flier details the basics. It should include the location; the date and time; the tournament format; and the entry fee for an individual, and for a foursome. If the event features additional activities, like a pre-tournament breakfast or a post-round lunch and awards banquet, make sure that information is included. Also list any extras added onto the competition, like a longest drive contest or a prize offer for a hole-in-one. Anything that makes the tournament sound like a fun way to spend the day should be here.

Other Opportunities
Much of a tournament’s fundraising abilities come from sponsorships and donations, particularly when the tournament is followed by a raffle or silent auction where such items go to the highest bidder. You'll want to create a flier geared toward that audience as well. Announce that those opportunities to help are available, and include a phone number that interested parties can contact. List sponsorship opportunities by tier and what those sponsorships get the donor. This flier will be more text-heavy, and should be designed with the assumption that interested parties will take it with them and will refer to it when taking action later.

Design Strategies
Design your golf flier to serve its purpose and be noticed. For a display flier, like one intended to be placed under glass at the golf course, catching the eye is key. Sharp colors pop more than a simple black-and-white text list of features. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your imagery. A tournament designed to benefit wounded emergency workers, for example, may find that an image of a firefighter in full uniform teeing off into the sunset is tough for onlookers to ignore – or resist. Other fliers, like those soliciting sponsors or providing more detailed information and schedules to prospective entrants, might be more informational. These could be printed on both sides and designed to be folded up into thirds, so golfers can easily stuff them into a pocket or golf bag.

Creating the Flier
You can outsource the flier for creation elsewhere, or produce it yourself in Microsoft Word, Photoshop or similar programs. Numerous templates are available for free or for a small cost online. Creating it yourself saves money, but it helps to assemble volunteers willing to share their time and talents to produce it. In addition to coming up with a design, you'll need someone to provide the copy and to input it, to proofread and to fact-check the information.

Unless you have a high-quality printer and the paper to match, you'll probably want to get the flier printed professionally. The cost per piece decreases as your quantity requested increases. If you know how many you'll need to promote the event, ordering all the copies at once as opposed to making several smaller orders as you run out will save you money. Pick paper that meets your promotion and distribution needs. Glossy paper helps catch the eye and allows the colors to stand out, so it's ideally suited to being placed in displays.

Display and Distribution
The best-designed flier won't get noticed if it's not displayed correctly. Keep track of where posted fliers are and replace them if color fades. Distribute fliers in golf course locker rooms, stuff them in area mailboxes and place them in golf equipment stores and anywhere else golfers could be expected to congregate. Make sure fliers intended for people to take home make it clear what any entry deadlines are and how to sign up, so it won't be confusing to anyone wishing to enter when he gets home.

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