Saturday 11 June 2016

Make Button Bookmark Tips

If you are looking for a creative way to get kids excited about reading, making easy, colorful and personalized art of making button bookmarks might do the trick. Children can choose buttons that reflect their favorite activities, and a simple decorative ribbon adds a bright color that makes them more visible and less likely to get lost in backpacks or desks.

Step 1
Cut approximately 8 inches of thread, and thread it through the sewing needle.


Choose a thread color that matches the button.
Use a magnifying glass to help you see the tip of the needle better when you are trying to thread it.
Step 2
Use the needle and thread to attach the button onto the end of the paperclip that has one loop. Sewing the button onto the paperclip will keep it at the top of the clip and prevent it from slipping. The bottom two loops will be used to slip over the top of the book page. When the button is secured, tie a tight knot and trim the excess thread.


The button pictured has one hole, but buttons with two holes work just as well.

Be careful when using the sewing needle. Use a thimble to avoid poking your fingers with the sharp needle.
Step 3
Cut a piece of ribbon and tie it to the bottom loop of the paperclip. The ribbon length will vary depending on personal preference and the size of your books, but the ribbon pictured is 14 inches long and tied in the center to create two 7-inch pieces of ribbon hanging off the end of the paperclip.

Step 4
To use the bookmark, simply slide the paperclip over the top of the page and let the ribbon hang off the bottom of the book.

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