Thursday 9 June 2016

View Large PDF Files in Google Docs

Your digital life could be humming along smoothly, until you try to view a large PDF file using Google Docs. While this free online storage service helps people store documents online, it also places some restrictions on file sizes. These restrictions vary depending on the type of document you’re storing, your account type and other factors. Unless you review Google’s documentation carefully, you may never know why you can’t upload some of your PDFs or view them online.

File Storage Limits
If you have a free Google account, you can store 15GB of data on your Gmail, Google+ Photos and Google Drive. These three services share the same storage space. Because PDF files can often be large, it may not take long for you to reach that size limit. Visit the Google Drive Storage Web page to view available upgrade plans if you need extra space to hold PDFs and other files (link in Resources)

General File Size Restrictions
If you convert a PDF to a Google Document, that document can't be larger than 2MB. Even if you purchase extra storage, you can't view files on Google Drive that are larger than 25GB. If you install the free Google Drive app, it syncs your hard drive's files with your online Google Docs files. When you’re in your Google Docs account, you have the option to download a PDF manually to any location on your hard drive. However, you can only download a file manually if it's size is 2GB or less.

Optical Character Recognition File Size Limits
One of the benefits of using Google Docs is it's ability to read the text inside an image or PDF and convert it into a regular Google document. Ensure that PDFs you’d like to convert contain 10 pages or less; the OCR software only converts the first 10 pages of a document that it scans into text. You'll get better Google documents when your PDFs contain sharp, high-resolution images with even lighting and clear contrast.

View PDFs Without Uploading
Visit the Google Docs Viewer Web page and you can view a PDF that resides on the Web (link in Resources). You may find this tool useful because you can use the viewer to display a PDF without storing it on your Google Docs account. Paste the URL of the PDF you'd like to view in the "Enter a Document URL" text box and then click "Generate Link." The Google Docs Viewer creates three text boxes that contain links you can copy and use in different places. For instance, if you'd like to paste a link to the PDF on your website, copy the link from the second text box. When site visitors click the link, they will view the PDF. Click the “Click Here” link if you’d rather view the PDF immediately online.

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