Thursday 9 June 2016

What Is Google Saturation Term

The term "Google Saturation" is used to describe how many individual pages on a website are present within Google's index. The more pages Google indexes within a site increases the total number of pages from the site that can appear in Google search results: a page that isn't in Google's index won't appear in search results. A site's Google Saturation can be improved through implementing Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, best practices.

Search Engine Saturation
The term "Search Engine Saturation" applies to the index files kept by all search engines on the Internet. Google Saturation is a Google-specific factor. A search engine can't bring back a site or webpage as a result unless the search engine is aware it exists. In order to build an index to use for search results, search engines use programs called Web crawlers that examine, sort and index site pages. The saturation level refers to how many of those pages are within Google's index. Google may reject pages that aren't optimally configured or have excessive amounts of repeating content. Web programmers and SEO specialists can use a low rate of saturation to identify and correct coding problems with a website that prevent it from being fully indexed in Google.

Crawler Natural Links
Even if a site isn't formally submitted to Google's index or designed with SEO in mind, Google's Web crawler programs will naturally find the site from listings in website listing servers -- also known as Domain Name System -- and crawl the site. Google's Web crawler will naturally build an index by following internal links located on a site. The crawler will use header and directory links to build an index of site sections and locate individual articles, pages and posts from the site section pages.

Build and Submit a Sitemap
Google's crawler programs are efficient, but they're not perfect, and they won't be able to find pages unless there's a link leading to the page. Additionally, the crawler may have problems following specific links. Google provides services that can help direct the search engine's crawler to all of a site's pages within the Webmaster Tools. You can build a Sitemap that lists all of the pages on a site and submit that to Google through the Webmaster Tools. The sitemap will ensure that Google's crawlers will scan every page on the site. However, even if the page is in the sitemap, it may not be indexed. Sitemaps are site directories built with the XML programming language.

Don't Block the Robots
As a courtesy, Google's Web crawlers will read a text file called "Robots.txt" placed in the domain root to check where it can and can't index sections within a site. Google will index any site directory by default, but you can use the Robots.txt file to tell Google to ignore things like internal pages, test pages and search result pages. However, the Robots.txt file can be dangerous to Google's ability to index a site. If the file tells Google that it's not allowed to index the site at all, the site will have no saturation and won't appear in results.

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