Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Make Group of Email Addresses in Gmail

If you often send email to the same set of people, you can create a contact group in Gmail that includes all of their addresses. Instead of manually entering their contact information each time you compose a new message, you can instead insert the contact group into the "To" field, and Gmail will automatically populate their addresses for you. You can also add new users to the group at any time.

Select "Gmail" from the top left side of the page and then choose "Contacts" from the drop-down menu.

Select the contacts to add to your group and then click "Groups" (the second icon from the left).

Choose "Create New" from the drop-down menu, enter a name for the new group and then click "OK."

Make Group of Email Addresses in Gmail
Tips & Warnings

To add someone to the group at a later time, select the appropriate user on the Contacts page, click the "Groups" icon and then choose your contact group from the menu.
To send email to the group you created, click "Compose" and then click the "To" field. Begin typing the name of the group to see a drop-down menu displaying matching groups and contacts. Select the appropriate group from the list.

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