Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Insert Logo in Gmail Signature

Once you add your business logo to your Gmail signature, every message you send to potential customers and partners will serve as a marketing vehicle for your company brand. Gmail's Settings utility enables you to add images to your signature from a variety of locations, including images saved to your Google Drive, on a computer disk or displayed on your company website. To do this, you need to first get the logo's URL.

Login in to your Gmail account.

Select the "Compose" button, then address the message to your own Gmail address.

Select the "Insert Photo" button.

Select "My Computer," select the "Choose File" button, then use the file navigator to locate the image you want to use in your signature.

Select the logo file name, select "Open," then select "OK."

Select the "Send" button to send the message to yourself.

Select the "Primary" inbox tab, then select the message you sent to yourself.

Right-click your logo, then select "Copy Image URL."

Select the Gmail "Compose" button, then address the message to your own Gmail address.

Select the "Insert files using Drive" button.

Select the image you want, then select "Insert."

Select the "Send" button to send the message to yourself.

Select the "Primary" inbox tab, then select the message you sent to yourself.

Right-click your logo, then select "Copy Image URL."

Go to the Web page that contains the logo you want to use

Right-click the logo image.

Select the option to "Copy Image URL"

Click on the "Settings" button, select the"Settings" option, then scroll down to the section labeled "Signature."

Select a point within the signature text box to place your logo, then select the "Insert Image" button.

Right-click within the input box labeled "Image URL," select "Paste," then "OK."

Select the "Save Changes" button when done.

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