Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Select Whole Inbox in Gmail

When Gmail launched in April 2004 it was marketed by Google as an innovation that meant users "should never have to file or delete a message" again. Thanks to its generous 1GB of storage space, increased to 10GB as of July 2013, there's no pressure to file or erase emails. This can lead to a huge number of messages being stored in your Gmail account, but the process of selected all of them -- even if they run into the hundreds of thousands -- isn't a difficult or time-consuming one.

Launch Gmail, and then select "Inbox" from the list of labels on the left to see messages currently in your inbox.

Click or tap inside the selection box above the messages to the left of the action buttons. All of the messages in the current view are selected. Alternatively, click the arrow to the side of the selection box and choose "All" from the drop-down menu if certain messages are already selected on the screen.

Click the "Select all x conversations" link, if it appears. This option is shown if there are more messages in the inbox -- or the current view -- than can fit on one page. The "x" is replaced by the total number of messages.

Choose an action from the buttons at the top of the interface to move, delete, archive or label all of the chosen messages. Click on the arrow next to the selected box and choose "None" to remove the selection.

Tips & Warnings

Choosing the Inbox view before selecting messages enables you to select all of the email threads currently in the inbox that have the "Inbox" label. Archived messages are not included. To select all of the emails in your Gmail account, choose "All Mail" from the list of views to the left before selecting messages.
The information here was tested in the default Gmail view, with category tabs, as of July 2013. If you are using a different page layout for your Gmail account or the app's defaults have been changed, the process may vary slightly.

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