Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Tips to Unarchive Gmail

A steady stream of email messages can bog down your inbox, but Gmail's archive feature enables you to file low-priority messages without deleting them or sending them to the trash folder. This means that if you can't track down an important email in your inbox or spam folders, it could be in your Gmail archive, in which case you can unarchive the email and send it back to your inbox.

Log in to your Gmail account, click "More" under the "Inbox" heading, and then click "All Mail."

Click inside the boxes next to the archived messages that you'd like to restore to your inbox.

Click on the "Move to Inbox" button in Gmail's toolbar to restore the archived messages.

Tips & Warnings

Key an eye out for messages that aren't tagged with the "Inbox" label in the All Mail view to determine which messages don't already appear in your inbox.

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