Wednesday 24 August 2016

Add High Priority to Email

If you have ever worked in a busy office or communicated frequently via email, you know that it can be easy to let your email pile up. That is why many email programs include the option to mark mail as a high priority. You can either mark your own mail so you can prioritize how to follow up, or you mark mail you send to someone else so he knows that it is urgent. Not all email programs have this ability, particularly free ones, but most professional ones do.

Find your email program's marking method, which is often an easy-to-find button, and click it. For example, you may be able to mark a message as "urgent," "high priority," or "high importance." The exact wording will be different depending on what program you use. There might also be a symbol you can click like a red exclamation point. Red usually symbolizes high priority while blue symbolizes low priority.

Send the message. If your recipient's email program supports a priority system, it will show up as "high priority" in his inbox, usually marked with a symbol like an exclamation point.

Marking Your Own Mail
Open the message or highlight it in your inbox.

Find your email program's marking system, which is usually an easy-to-find button or menu, and mark the message appropriately. Some key words to look for include "follow up," "flag" and "mark." Some programs also have symbols you can click like flags or stars. You might also be able to label messages with various levels of priority.

Locate your high priority message when needed either highlighted in your inbox with a corresponding symbol or in a separate folder. Once you have responded to the email or are finished with it, you can remove the high priority marking

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