Monday 22 August 2016

Forward Attachment From Email

Email forwarding works for more than plain text and chain letters; you can forward attachments, too. Sometimes you receive an email attachment that's just so funny or useful that you want to share it. Simply forwarding the attachment prevents you from having to go through the tedious process of saving the file to your desktop, composing a new message, then attaching the saved file to the outgoing email. The process for forwarding attachments is the same regardless of which email client you use.

Open the email that has the attachment you want to forward.

Click the "Forward" button in the email's options toolbar. The message appears in an outgoing email composition window. The original file is included as an attachment in this new outgoing message.

Delete the text in the body of the email if you want to forward only the attachment, and not the message that originally accompanied it. You can also add a new message if you want.

Add recipients to the message and send it off normally. The recipients receive the forwarded email with the original attachment included.

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