Wednesday 24 August 2016

How to Find Threatening Emails

Receiving a threatening email can cause confusion, fear and paranoia. It also can lead to anger, which can be effective when channeled into finding the source of the email. Once the source is determined, law enforcement can take action. Of course, any time an email is received that threatens your life or that of your family, contact local police immediately.

Open the email and reveal the full header. The header provided in the email is usually a shortened version. The full header is necessary to find the sender. In most cases, there is a button on the email page that reveals the full header when clicked. If no button is available or it is not found, call your email service provider customer support or email customer support with an inquiry about how to reveal the header.

Print out a copy of the email with the full header. A hard copy may be necessary for evidence or provide a safeguard if the electronic version is erased after a specific time period. Save the email in a separate folder.

Open a Web browser and go to the "What is my IP Address" website. Open the trace email webpage. Type in the full header as stated on the email and select "submit." It will trace the IP address back to the source. If it is from a spamming source, the website will not be able to trace it. In the case of a spam email, forward it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center so that the messages stop.

How to Find Threatening Emails
Contact the service provider of the IP address and report the abuse. According to the Easy Email Search website, most IP addresses will name the service provider rather than the individual. The service provider will not give individual information to a private citizen, but reporting the abuse is a first step in preventing further messages.

Take the hard copy of the email, with the full header revealed, to local authorities. Make a report as suggested by authorities. If threats persist, follow through with authorities. They can obtain a court order to find out the information a service provider does not give to a citizen. Allow the authorities to handle the situation and report any further threats as they arise.

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