Saturday 8 October 2016

Get Disqualified Swimming Breaststroke

The breaststroke is one of the four strokes used by competitive swimmers. Many people think of the breaststroke as a leisurely stroke used by tired lap swimmers. However, when the stroke is properly executed, it can be physically taxing. Disqualification will occur during swimming competitions if you make one of the following mistakes.

Take more than 1 pull or kick while underwater. You are allowed 1 pull and kick underwater off a start or turn. Your head must emerge with the second pull to start an above water stroke.

Use a dolphin, flutter or scissors kick. Using any kick other than a breaststroke kick will result in immediate disqualification.

Pull with alternating arms. You must pull your hands in toward your chest and push them out to the front in unison.

Turn over on your back. The entire stroke must be performed on your chest side. When you push off the wall during turns, be sure that you turn your shoulders so that your chest is over the bottom of the pool.

Touch the wall with 1 hand during a turn or finish. A 2-hand touch is required for breaststroke turns and finishes. Both hands must touch the wall simultaneously to avoid disqualification.

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