Friday 4 November 2016

Choose Right Sized Basketball

The team that controls the ball wins the basketball game. But it is impossible to control the ball if you can't get a handle on it. Choosing the right size basketball can keep you interested in the game, allowing you to dribble, shoot and pass with authority. Age and gender help determine which basketball is right for you.

Miniature, Youth, Women's and Men's
Boys and girls under 7 years of age should use youth-sized basketballs measuring between 27 and 28 inches in circumference. Smaller children may use 22- to 22.5-inch miniature basketballs. Girls over 7 and women should use a full-size women's basketball that measures 28.5 inches in circumference. Boys use a regulation women's ball until the age of 12, when they should convert to the inch larger regulation men's basketball.

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