Monday 7 November 2016

Get Sponsors for Your Cheer Squad

Maintaining a cheerleading squad can get expensive, with uniform and competition fees being two of the important costs. Finding a local sponsor can help offset the costs associated with coaching a successful cheerleading squad. With hard work and dedication, you can find a sponsor for your squad that provides the funds you need. The relationship between your squad and your sponsor can be beneficial for both parties though.

The numerous costs associated with maintaining a successful cheerleading squad can become a hindrance to running the squad the way you want. Uniforms are quite expensive, and because each girl gets to keep her uniform, new ones must be purchased each year. If your cheer squad competes, the cost of entering the competitions is also expensive. Most cheer squads also rely on funds to build school spirit, travel to games, and plan assemblies and pep rallies.

Forming a relationship with a local sponsor can help you raise the funds you need to coach your cheer squad successfully. You benefit by having the resources available to purchase uniforms, materials and supplies. Your sponsor benefits because you offer ways to advertise and build recognition in return for the funds. For example, you might put the company name on your uniforms, hang an advertising banner in your school gymnasium, or pass out flyers about the business at games and competitions.

Make a list of potential sponsors in your area. Write a form letter, and mail it to each of your options. Include your contact information, the amount of funds you are looking for, and what you plan to give your sponsor in return. Set up appointments to visit each business in person to discuss the pros and cons of forming a sponsorship relationship. Keep accurate notes about who you talk to and what is discussed. Follow up with interested businesses and keep in constant communication until a mutually-beneficial decision has been reached. A contract might make both parties more comfortable with the final decision.

Make business cards to pass out to local businesses. This will help build recognition of your school and cheerleading squad. Create a flyer that outlines exactly what you plan to do to in return for sponsorship. Pass them out to local businesses, include your contact information, and keep track of any interest. Always send a thank-you note to businesses willing to entertain the idea of becoming a sponsor. Speak with your cheer squad about the importance of appropriate language and behavior. If a local business agrees to put its name on your squad, you must help retain the reputation of the company.

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