Monday 7 November 2016

Installing Fuel Cell in Race Car

The fuel cell in a race car is vitally important to the overall performance of the car. The actual fuel cell is a rubber or plastic container inside of a metal box. The rubber container could be one of various shapes and sizes. With adherence to a few short concrete steps, you can install a fuel cell in your race car with relative ease.

Determine the size of the fuel cell you need. Most short tracks have a maximum limit of a 25-gallon fuel cell. This may be the right size. However, you must check the specifications of the class in which you participate.

Locate the position in which you will be installing the fuel cell.

Ensure there is sufficient space on the rear of the chassis for proper mounting and installation.

Lay the fuel cell in the desired location to ensure it will fit without any obstruction from other parts of the race car.

Place fuel cell lines along the outer reaches of the frame rail to ensure proper flow of fuel to the motor.

Use chassis locking bolts to secure the fuel cell to the chassis.

Tighten all bolts of the fuel cell to the chassis using safety approved torque wrench. This will enable the fuel cell to be snuggly and securely fastened to the chassis.

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