Monday 7 November 2016

How to Powerslide Your Car

Performing a powerslide on a car racing is not quite as extreme as drifting, during which the car racing slides laterally around a turn after losing traction with the road. A powerslide is often called "drifting light," as the driver merely slides the car racing out of the exit of a turn by allowing the tires to lose their grip. By finding an empty parking lot or private road, you will be able to practice and learn how to do the powerslide technique.

Enter the turn or curve at the normal rate of speed, allowing the car to hit the apex or the innermost part of its turn at a safe and predictable velocity.

Step on the throttle of the vehicle as the car passes the apex and the curve starts to straighten out. At the same time, turn the steering wheel into the same direction as the curve until you start to feel the wheels lose traction with the road.

Continue to step on the gas as the vehicle starts to slide laterally out of the curve, making sure to keep the nose of the car aimed at the straight portion of the road ahead.

Take your foot off the throttle once you have the nose of the car pointed in the right direction. Wait until the car regains traction on the road surface before reapplying the throttle. Note that failure to remove your foot from the gas pedal, at exactly the right moment, will cause the car to spin out of control.

Reapply the gas once your car is facing the right direction and the tires have regained traction. Continue to the straightaway from that point.

Continue to practice the powerslide technique if you are having a problem with the car racing spinning inward or oversteering. Use an empty parking lot, and alternate between steering the car into a curve with the gas pedal depressed and taking your foot off the accelerator while letting the car regain traction. Every car is different, so you will need to learn at what specific point your car will lose traction.

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