Monday 7 November 2016

How to Race Cars on Oval Track

Racing cars on an oval track involves much more than making repeated left turns. Oval track racing usually requires that the driver be in excellent physical condition due to the difficult environment of the cockpit, possessing the strength and stamina needed to perform well in such a race.

Get in good physical condition before you attempt to race on an oval track. The high temperatures inside the cockpit of the car racing can easily cause a person with a high body-fat index to perspire excessively, increasing the chances of dehydration and making it more difficult to keep a firm hand on the controls.

Choose an appropriate car racing on an oval track, and become comfortable with the way the car handles and accelerates. While oval track racing is more predominate in stock-car racing, just about any racing vehicle will perform well on an oval track.

Learn how to properly navigate through the turns while you race on an oval track. Professional drivers maintain that races are won in the curves, not the straightaways. Concentrate on improving your times and increasing your speed through the turns by visualizing a line through the curve and making your car follow that line, accelerating as you come out of the curve.

Rent a local oval track for a specified amount of time, and practice while there are no other cars present. This will give you a chance to drive around the track at a reduced speed to see how your vehicle handles and adapts to the oval track. Gently increase your speed with each lap, so that you can discover the limits of your car and how much force it will take to lose traction on the turns.

Prepare for a race on an oval track with other cars by learning how to draft--drive behind other cars--to reduce wind resistance and lower the amount of energy your vehicle expends to race. Most oval track racing involves creating a "chain" of cars that take turns leading the field, conserving energy until the final laps of the race.

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