Sunday 18 December 2016

How to Dry Out Skateboards

Skateboards should be kept away from water to prevent damage. If your board gets wet, you should dry it as soon as possible to prevent degradation. Moisture causes the bearings to rust and the deck of the board to lose its original shape. Additionally, water softens the wooden deck, which can lead to warping and snapping. Quick reaction and proper drying of the board can minimize water damage.

Wipe the board all over using dry, clean towels. Wipe the deck and all the parts underneath the board.

Remove all moisture using a blow dryer. Do this for about 10 minutes or until the board feels less damp to the touch. The heat will cause some of the remaining moisture to evaporate, but if your skateboard was waterlogged, plenty of moisture may still be soaked into the deck.

Air dry the board by leaving it outside in a shaded, dry spot. Keep the board away from direct sunlight. This can damage the board even more and may cause it to lose some shape and bounce. Air dry for at least 24 hours or as long as necessary.

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