Monday 5 December 2016

Tips to Ride Ripstik Uphill

The RipStik has become a popular alternative to conventional skateboarding. The RipStik refers to a signature design of the caster board manufactured by the RipStik company. While caster boarding and skateboarding share similar maneuvers, the two boards greatly differ in the overall design. Unlike the wooden skateboarding board that consists of thin layers of ply, the RipStik features a lightweight plastic construction. The conventional skateboard requires you to push off the ground to gain speed. The RipStik acceleration process consists of a rhythmic body motion.

Identify the flat section of your RipStik as this acts as the front end of your caster board. Raise your RipStik onto its wheels by pushing against the side of the board with your left foot. Place your left foot flat onto the front section of your RipStik. Lean forward while lifting your right foot off of the ground.

Lower your right shoe onto the elevated back section of your RipStik caster board. Press forward on the front section of the board with the front of your left foot. Push backwards against the rear section of your caster board utilizing the heel of your right foot. Rotate this back and forth motion while swinging your shoulders.

Bend your knees to ensure you remain balanced during the acceleration process. Increase the speed of your rhythmic foot motion to gain momentum. Lean forwards or backwards to steer your RipStik towards an inclined hill. Continue to swing your shoulders as you begin to climb the face of the hill.

Cease your body movements as your RipStik decreases in speed. Push back against the front end of your caster board to steer your front wheel to the left. Rotate your Ripstik 90 degrees to point the board down the hill. Extend your hands to stabilize yourself as the board increases in speed.

Straighten your legs as you reach the bottom of the hill to decrease your speed. Step off your RipStik as your momentum slows to a stop. Repeat the same maneuvering techniques on your next uphill riding attempt.

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