Electrical devices are made from building blocks such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transistors. When a device fails, it is usually due to one or more of these components ceasing to function. Digital multimeters are devices that are capable of measuring resistance, voltage, and current. They also can carry out a basic continuity test, which checks if current is able to flow through a wire with little resistance.
Connect the probes to the digital multimeter. Two probes are supplied with multimeter. One is colored red, and the other black. Connect the red probe into the positive terminal, and the black probe to the negative terminal.
Switch on the digital voltmeter. Select the continuity function using the dial on the front panel. Bring the two probes into contact with one another. An audible beep should be heard, indicating electrical continuity between the probes.
Place the probes across the device that needs to be tested. If an audible beep is heard, the device is electrically continuous. If no beep is heard, the device has a high resistance.
Connect the probes to the digital multimeter. Two probes are supplied with multimeter. One is colored red, and the other black. Connect the red probe into the positive terminal, and the black probe to the negative terminal.
Switch on the digital voltmeter. Select the continuity function using the dial on the front panel. Bring the two probes into contact with one another. An audible beep should be heard, indicating electrical continuity between the probes.
Place the probes across the device that needs to be tested. If an audible beep is heard, the device is electrically continuous. If no beep is heard, the device has a high resistance.