Monday, 2 January 2017

Putting Tips on Calligraphy Pen

A calligraphy pen will come with several parts. You will have a pen holder, which can be made of plastic or wood. There are pen nibs, which you will be inclined to think of as pen tips. Reservoirs are small metal coverings for the nibs. They have flaps that will grip the nib and stay in place to hold ink or paint. It takes a few simple steps to put the tips or nibs into a calligraphy pen.

Pen Holder
Place your pen parts on the table. Choose the pen nib that you want to use for your calligraphy project. It will have a piece of metal that goes with it. This is the reservoir that helps to hold the ink or paint.

Pen Holder with Metal Grips
Look for the metal grips in the top of the pen holder. There are two open areas in the metal that are the inserts for pen nibs.

Look for Embedded Line in Nib
Notice the line that is molded into the pen nib.

Nib, Holder and Reservoir
Use your fingertips to push the pen nib or tip into the metal slot of the pen holder up to the line that is molded into the nib. Hold the base of the nib when inserting it into the holder.

Put the reservoir on after the nib is seated into the pen.

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