Sunday 22 January 2017

The Cribbage Rules and Nobs

Cribbage is a card game that uses a special wooden board for scoring. Although the board isn’t necessary, it has become the major visual image of cribbage. Cribbage is a game of strategy, planning and luck. Good players understand how to set themselves up for good hands while bad players curse the luck of the draw.

Each player in the game is dealt six cards, with no jokers in the deck. Players put two cards in the “crib.” The crib is a second hand that the dealer can use at the end of first hand to score more points. The dealer doesn’t see the full crib until the end of the game. The dealer turns over a card and places it on top of the deck. This is the starter card. All players use this card in scoring their hands. The player to the left of the dealer lays down a card to start the hand. He announces the value of his card out loud. All face cards are worth 10 points. Aces are low and worth 1 point. The other cards are worth their face value; for example, a seven is worth 7 points. Players keep laying down cards until the total is either 31 points or no card can be played without going over 31. The player who laid the last card scores a "go," worth 1 point. The next player then lays down a new card to start a new scoring round. Play continues until players run out of cards. Points are then calculated and noted on the board. Deal shifts to the left. Play continues until somebody scores 121 points.

Scoring in cribbage can be done in hand as well as after the hand has finished. If a player lays a card that makes the current hand equal 15, she scores 2 points. Players can score 2 points by laying a card that makes the current hand equal 31. Sequences of three or more cards are also scored during play. Sequences score 1 point per card. Players also score for matching cards, one point for each card, such as a pair or three of a kind. Most points are scored after the hand is over. Non-dealer players count their points first. Players score points for any combination of cards that equals 15 points, such as a jack and a five or a nine and a six. They include the starter card during this process. Players also score points for sequences in the hand as well as any flushes, which are five cards of the same suit (worth 5 points). The dealer counts up his points in his hand and then in the crib, using the starter card for each. The crib and his playing hand don’t interact; that is, a jack in his playing hand can’t score with a five in his crib.

One rule that many players forget is the rule of nobs. The nob is the jack of the starting suit. Having the nob in your hand will give you an automatic point. However, the nob is always scored last. For example, 15’s, matches, sequences and flushes will all be counted up and then the dealer will say “and one for his nobs.” If the dealer turns over a jack as the starter card, he gets two points for nobs instead of one point.

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