Sunday, 1 January 2017

Using Laser Challenge Team Force Gun

Playing laser tag with Team Force guns can be great fun, but tips and knowledge of the guns can increase a player's skill. There are two types of Laser Challenge Team Force guns; each has the same basic abilities. The newest, Team Force 2000, allows for longer ranges, and a softer alert sound emanates from the gun.

Turn on the Team Force gun by moving the switch on the back of it. The gun will now emit a consistent sound to alert other players of its location.

Press the "Reload" button on the left side of the gun to start a round. A gun reload sound effect will sound to confirm it has been reloaded.

Press the "Restart" button on the right side of the gun to restart a round.

Fire the Team Force gun by pressing the trigger. The gun can fire between 100 to 150 feet and works best at night.

Fire the Team Force gun at the enemy's vest to signal a point. Hitting the enemy will also cause a short period of invulnerability on the enemy's vest, so it's best to take cover after scoring a point.

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