Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Benefits Of Online Revision

Online revision is the providing of tools online to revise any prescribed curriculum of study, the most popular ones being

· GCSE is an internationally recognized qualification awarded in a specific subject and generally taken in a number of subjects by secondary school students (14-18 years) over a two year period. It was introduced in the UK.

· A-levels are the conventional qualifications offered by schools and colleges for students between 16 and 19 years of age. A levels have 3 subjects studied in depth while

· IB, the parallel qualification has a six subject syllabus. They follow the GCSEs.

· AS is an undergraduate Associate degree awarded by schools and colleges for a two year study period.

Now that we have an idea of the study courses, we come to the actual learning process involved.

Ever since computers and the internet have entered homes, they have found innumerable applications to make life more convenient. In the field of education their contribution is invaluable

Once the syllabus has been completed in school, and joint study with friends and classmates has been done, it is soon that time when children are on their own and have to revise a year or two's course work before they face the examination.

It is for this purpose that online revision has become popular, with students and their parents as parents strongly feel that the child is provided guidelines for self study and is armed with confidence to face the examination.

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