Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Where the REAL Money Is Made

I can't stress the importance of what I'm about to tell you enough.

If you look at entrepreneurs who have made fortunes - I mean SERIOUS wealth - in almost every case the money came not from inside the business, but from SELLING the business.

You've heard numerous news stories of internet companies selling just 1-3 years after their initial start-up.

And the businesses you hear about sell for 7, 8 and even 9 figures.

If this sounds out of reach right now, picture this scenario: You start a business today, and in 6 months to 2 years you sell it for 6 figures.

Would that make a great payday for you?

Now you might be thinking that selling your business is something you don't need to worry about until long after you start it.

Not so.

If you are starting a business right now, you should also be considering your exit strategy.

After all, you could get bored with what you're doing and want out. Or maybe you need quick cash. Or you decide to go in an entirely different direction.

So you decide to sell your business.

If you've laid the groundwork, you should be able to sell quite quickly and for a very good price.

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