Saturday 10 March 2018

A Short SF Vignette - Far Boundaries of Gravity

The planets, move around the sun, and the sun with all its planets and moons, thereof, revolve forevermore, or so it appears on their straight and narrow orbits, as the universe pours out with care its widespread gravity, like manna. Gravity, the thing that keeps our solar system activated, our galaxy in motion. In essence, the universe's black energy, black matter. Should a star collapse, we know it's an act of gravity, to a certain extent, as then a black hole is ready to be created if not already created, to swallow that dead star, whole. Yes, the hand of providence has provided a waste basket, for its surplus. Put another way, gravity shapes space and time, has energy, creates a reaction, produces a black hole, if not a wormhole that may develop into a black hole, or a black hole acting like a wormhole.

This must be explained before we go on with the story lest we get fragmented along the way, and we lose sight of Silas Caine whom is the antagonist of the story.

We have talked of gravity, now wormholes, and travel, then the full story, since the title is "Far Boundaries... " it should fit. What is faster than the speed of light? Nothing, scientists say. But if you step into Quantum theories, physics, there is something perhaps! Traveling through a wormhole which I shall define shortly. To make a long theory short, a traversable wormhole, let's say with a notion of an intra-universe connection, the wormhole being similar to a black hole, more on the order of a shortcut connecting two separate points in space and time, you know, like a tunnel, with an electromagnetic field of energy. In essence, as Einstein has inferred: a wormhole bridges, in this story, two different universes; - we're getting into general relativity, - the wormhole might allow superluminal light speed, faster than light travel; the speed of light is 176,000-miles per second, this again is more into Quantum theories; meaning, hypothetical, unseen, unproven, not experienced, but probable.

Now a third thought into this story before we get into the story: since we have taken care of Gravity, and now Wormholes, which we may come back to-that are much like a hole in a cylinder, and if we can stretch our imagination we can envision it being used for communication between parallel universes. A side thought, wormholes cut 50% to 99.9% percent of travel time, or put another way, a billion miles can now be measured in feet, we are on the right path to knowing how Silas Caine got to Earth in the first place, from that far-off universe.

So the next step into the story that I haven't yet told, is time travel, like a time machine. In wormholes, time is not the same as outside it. We are now going into Quantum effects if not general relativity: Black Holes are of course Stephen Hawking's expertise, and we have and shall mention them time and again throughout this account. But it makes no difference, what is, and what is theory, is perhaps possible, there are many realities we know nothing about. In this case, and a possible case indeed, and for the story, a particle case, the wormhole is a time machine, call it time dilation, or contraction. We are traveling from one universe to another, faster than the speed of light-even though the light in the wormhole will beat us to our destination, and let's say we are carrying energy from one time to another, from one place to another, the wormhole has to adjust, or once on the other side, something has to. Now we are ten-years in the past, or perhaps 1000-years in the past, or we are from the future visiting Earth in its present, we now are looking at time warps, or twists, or time like curves. All this and a little more, concerns Silas Caine's altercative activity!

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