The first I heard of was when my buddy, Brian G. Johnson posted on Facebook he was hosting a Blab. Shortly thereafter, Joel Comm was promoting his Blab. Before I knew it, many of my friends and colleagues were Blabbing and having a great time doing so.
My initial thought was, "Oh no! Not another BSO - bright shiny object."
With all the new distractions on social media, I truly thought this was just one more to add to the bone yard of soon to be forgotten ways to mindlessly fill time online.
Knowing Brian and Joel the way I do, Blab warranted further investigation. After all, both of these online rock stars seem to always be on the leading edge of how to serve their communities.
After closer examination I got the bug. AND I predict Blab is going to create immense opportunity to those who strategically utilize this platform and the incredible capabilities Blab offers.
The great thing about Blab is there are virtually no barriers to entry. Unlike Google Hangouts, Blab is very user friendly. Even the most non-techie person can get the hang of it from the start.
As with anything, there are always Pros and Cons. Here is my take on the Pros and Cons.
What I really like about Blab is you can use it as an open discussion forum, training platform or simply talk about trending topics.
Limited number of on-camera participants. Some people think that having only four people on camera at a time is a major downside. Personally, I like this feature. This prevents a free for all conversation that could quickly get out of control.
If you're the host of the Blab you have complete control on how long you let someone stay on camera. In other words, if you have someone who is inappropriate, tries to take over the conversation with their own agenda or is just an out and out jerk, you can X them out.
The user interface is very simple and yet, it has room to grow.
One of the nicest features is the Twitter integration. While on a Blab you can tweet out to all your Twitter followers by the click of the button that reads "Tell a little bird." Participants can do the same. In very short order, your Blab is being tweeted out to untold numbers of people.
From what some experts are claiming, they are picking up quite a following, their subscriber lists are increasing and their visibility is going through the roof.
Another nice feature is the ability to record your session. Many experts are using their recorded Blabs for membership sites, podcast shows and creating more value for their community.
You can go live immediately or schedule your Blab in order to let your community plan accordingly.
My initial thought was, "Oh no! Not another BSO - bright shiny object."
With all the new distractions on social media, I truly thought this was just one more to add to the bone yard of soon to be forgotten ways to mindlessly fill time online.
Knowing Brian and Joel the way I do, Blab warranted further investigation. After all, both of these online rock stars seem to always be on the leading edge of how to serve their communities.
After closer examination I got the bug. AND I predict Blab is going to create immense opportunity to those who strategically utilize this platform and the incredible capabilities Blab offers.
The great thing about Blab is there are virtually no barriers to entry. Unlike Google Hangouts, Blab is very user friendly. Even the most non-techie person can get the hang of it from the start.
As with anything, there are always Pros and Cons. Here is my take on the Pros and Cons.
What I really like about Blab is you can use it as an open discussion forum, training platform or simply talk about trending topics.
Limited number of on-camera participants. Some people think that having only four people on camera at a time is a major downside. Personally, I like this feature. This prevents a free for all conversation that could quickly get out of control.
If you're the host of the Blab you have complete control on how long you let someone stay on camera. In other words, if you have someone who is inappropriate, tries to take over the conversation with their own agenda or is just an out and out jerk, you can X them out.
The user interface is very simple and yet, it has room to grow.
One of the nicest features is the Twitter integration. While on a Blab you can tweet out to all your Twitter followers by the click of the button that reads "Tell a little bird." Participants can do the same. In very short order, your Blab is being tweeted out to untold numbers of people.
From what some experts are claiming, they are picking up quite a following, their subscriber lists are increasing and their visibility is going through the roof.
Another nice feature is the ability to record your session. Many experts are using their recorded Blabs for membership sites, podcast shows and creating more value for their community.
You can go live immediately or schedule your Blab in order to let your community plan accordingly.