Saturday 10 March 2018

How to Make a Cupcake Fridge Magnet

I like to start the new school year with a free demo lesson making cupcake fridge magnets. This activity is a great introduction to pottery as it is small and simple to make. Decent sized magnets can be hard to come by so make sure you have a supply of strong enough magnets before attempting this project. The magnet I use is 5mm thick and about 18mm wide

I have a fired completed fridge magnet, I like to show the children to use as an example, and a paper cut out template they can use to trace. Search for "cupcake printables" in Google images and you will find a variety of cupcake templates that are free to use. For tools I use a tongue depressor (which can be found at most craft stores or the pharmacy) A short half sized cocktail stick and a paintbrush.

Make sure each child has a board to work on, (A piece of card can suffice too) their own set of tools and a paper template. When they receive their clay demonstrate how to roll into a nice ball by doing rolling motions on the table and then squash it into a pancake shape. The children have great fun pummeling and beating the clay flat into a pancake. Once they have flattened the clay, place the paper template on top and use the tongue depressor to trace and cut the shape of the cupcake. Little children do struggle to trace along the lines but that's OK. It's very good practice for them to try, and fine to help them along.

Once the shape is cut out use the cocktail stick to decorate and press patterns into the surface. The children can have fun decorating with "smarties" and "jelly tots" by adding balls and bits of clay. Then it's painting time! Make sure there are enough bowls of water available for the children to clean their paintbrushes or else you will just be left with various shades of brown and grey paint

To stick the magnet to the pottery piece I use Pratley's Putty. It is an excellent adhesive for pottery and also great for mending any breakages.

I had these pieces fired and ready to return to the children the following week. Bigger projects will not be able to be fired so quickly as the piece must be bone dry before firing to avoid any explosions. This is what makes the cupcake fridge magnet activity a practical and easy one for children and teachers alike.

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