Saturday 10 March 2018

How to Make Your Artworks Valuable

I recently read an article about why buyers and art collectors are more attracted to a work of art surrounded by a lot of history and context. The more information you give about your artwork, the more the potential buyers will see it as valuable and a desirable piece to be collected. And of course in the art world and art market more than in other places, it is important to make this value visible. By increasing the artwork's perceived significance, you increase the artwork's price and the chances that collectors and buyers will want to pay for it! There are many steps, depending on an artist's practices and artworks, that can be taken to add this value to their works. Some of these include selecting titles, numbering the artworks, dating them, documenting them (photographing them), signing them and of course, writing the concept or statement about each series. Each step adds another level of deepness to your artworks and make them more profound.

But if you really want to make your artworks more valuable and change how people perceive them, why not go directly for it?

If you really want to make the difference, then go ahead and take a big step instead of just adding little details!

You want awareness for your creation, and you want to be different than the rest, right? Consider using an Art PR or Art Marketing campaign to achieve this goal!

You're probably not so sure...

It can be a scary proposition for artists not used to this idea. Public relations or art marketing are not normally what you'll learn about in art education. But if art collectors or buyers tend to buy or pay more for artworks with more information or history, then it should just make sense that they would do the same if the artist has more credibility by being in the media and having a recognizable name.

Now let's be real. I'm not telling you that using PR or Marketing services will make you the most famous artist all in one day. It's long-term work; the same effort you used to achieve what you've done thus far.

Great art takes effort, time & sweat. But it brings wonder, ecstasy and admiration. So why waste all your talent, hours of work and commitment by not availing yourself of the right possibilities to be successful?

Doesn't your art deserve to be known?

So instead of spending all your days creating new artworks, take a little time to market your artworks by using PR and more easily reach art journalists or curators. Ask specialists for their help!

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