Saturday 2 June 2018

Hala Gorani Companies Group - Working the Benefits of Getting Return Loads

When you make your living running haulage companies, any method of making the most of your empty miles is infinitely beneficial. From the owner operator to a large company or fleet, filling a vehicle empty on a return journey is paramount.

There are several ways haulage companies can make the most of their routes, and joining an online exchange is one of the most efficient. Of course, you can always go it alone and rely on your own website or find other ways of advertising, but while these are certainly going to get you custom, a network such as a haulage exchange is invaluable.

Getting the work you want

Many haulage companies are now joining these online exchanges, but it is important to choose wisely. One that features useful search functions is the best - the ability to seek out the exact type of load and job you want is a huge benefit to helping you fill up those empty miles. When you use an online exchange to help find and book loads, you can search for a load that fits your style of vehicle, within the timeframe that you are looking for. For instance, there is no point is sifting through hundreds of loads that are only suitable for a large lorry when you have a medium sized van. Likewise, the option of being able to use a search engine to remove all loads that need air-cooled compartments when that is not a feature of your vehicle, will save you time. And in transport, time is money.

Working with trusted people

One of the major benefits for haulage companies when working with an online exchange is the benefit of knowing that the businesses and independents on the site have been approved by the overarching company. While this won't guarantee that nothing will go wrong, it is certainly a great step in helping to set your mind at ease when you're dealing with a company or individual you have not previously worked with. Over time, you'll build on these connections and create an entire network of your own.

Building connections

Once you have booked return loads with various individual traders or larger companies, it will be easier to make the connection the next time. Most haulage companies see this as a vital benefit of using an online exchange, and it is especially important if you are a small, single-person company and rely on trust and personal recommendations. It is also extremely helpful to allow you to create regular routes and get the most out of hauling both directions. Sometimes these fledgling connections lead to more permanent and lucrative contracts.

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