Sunday 8 July 2018

Your Data For Hurricanes And Disasters

Businesses are prone to falling victim to the forces of nature over time. No matter what happens, whether it's a flood that has spread water all through your server room, or a blaze that has burnt your office, disasters tend to hit without any signals. But amidst it all, the most likely casualty happens to be one that your entire business depends on - YOUR DATA.

Believe it or not, but the U.S. Small Business Administration has claimed that nearly 25 percent of businesses just do not get back to work once they are hit by a disaster. However, if you have a backup plan that can protect your data against the worst-case scenarios, there is a good chance that you are literally going to beat the odds. However, the fact of the matter is that when it comes to your data storage front, the existence of a mere single backup is not going to do much, particularly when it's your entire business on the line. For this reason, it is necessary for you to implement a minimum of two backup strategies. Here's what all you need to consider:

Move to the cloud

Companies have extensively started making use of cloud computing beyond physical and virtual environment for all of their offsite back and data recovery needs. The cloud shows a promising outlook in terms of data backup purposes, and businesses typically have come to believe that the cloud is just as safe as that of on-premise backups. A research study suggests that nearly 40% of companies in the U.S.A. believe that they can ensure that their data backup and recovery procedures will run smoothly by migrating to a cloud environment. Let's not forget, nearly 53% of U.S.A based businesses believe that moving to the cloud has the potential to help them reduced their IT operating costs, so on the whole, it is more so a win-win situation!

The fact of the matter is that with your data backups stored at an off-site location, you are ensured that a copy of your mission-critical data is going to remain protected against any and all cataclysmic events. And can there ever be a better means of achieving geographical separation that by having your data stored at different data centers located all over the world? By choosing a renowned cloud storage provider and data recovery specialist, you can be assured that your data is going to be available whenever you need it.

Other backup options

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