Saturday 1 September 2018

Platform Lift Solutions

The disabled have been experiencing a lot of difficulties since times immemorial. They have to undergo a lot of hardships in their daily activities,commuting being a major one. For a very long period in time, they weren't given the adequate facilities to ease their commute. They were just another part of society and nobody realized the problems they were facing. They were ignored for a major part in time. Slowly due to rise government regulations and social consciousness there came in certain concrete measures to ease the life of the handicapped. The DDA regulations were passed and this resulted in certain better measures being put into force. All commercial buildings were ordered to make necessary provisions to enable the handicap to travel with ease. This is why platform lift solutions came into the picture and were installed on several commercial buildings in UK. Even at homes they were installed apart from Stairisers. The platform lift solutions have changed the way the handicap travel. It has added a whole new dimension to their lives. Basically platform lifts enable the handicap to travel to higher stairs whilst sitting on the wheelchair. The raised platform at the entrance of the lifts enables them to ride the wheelchair up onto it and thereby entering the lift. This has caused immense ease in commuting.

Now, these platform lift solutions are available in great variation. The most popular of these is the hydraulic lifts. They are a new form of platform lifts and have been immensely popular. Hydraulic lifts work on a fluid that raises and lowers the platform of the lift. This is because of the changing pressure in the hydraulic cylinder. The pump works on an electric motor controlled by the person using the lift. The control panel can either be a joystick or a series of button easily accessible to the user. They come in various sizes and shapes. Ranging from the size of a wheelchair to one that can accommodate several people at a time; these lifts are available in all sizes. Apart from ferrying people, they are even used to transport huge cargos and goods. They are used in large scale industries and companies to ease the transport of heavy duty goods. But they are most popularly used for ferrying the disabled. It has proven to be a boon for them, helping them overcome their handicap there are certain factors like total floors the lifts needs to cover, total load the lift can bear, speed of the lift, power consumed, application, size of platform that need to be considered while making the purchase.

One of the best firms in UK offering quality hydraulic lifts is the Platform Lift Company. They combine quality with efficiency and result in some high quality products. Platform Lift Company has various types and categories under the hydraulic platform lifts section. The lifts are available in several colours and in different sizes. One can make a choice according to their preferences. They not only offer sale of lifts, but even arrange for fixing and maintenance of the same. Their website has complete information and is a great deal of help while making choices. Check their website to know more.

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