Thursday, 19 November 2015

Remove Tags on Tumblr Themes

One of the most distinct features of Tumblr is the ability to make modifications to themes quickly and easily. Features such as descriptions, dates, tags and avatar photos can be added or removed by directly editing the theme's HTML code. Tags are a popular feature of blogs since they allow easy access to other posts on similar topics. Tags on Tumblr have the added functionality of making your post publicly searchable by Tumblr users monitoring that tag. Those who want more privacy can opt out of using tags entirely.
  1. Log in to your Tumblr account and click on the blog you wish to edit. Select it in the drop-down menu on the right side of your dashboard.
  2. Click "Customize" to view the theme and appearance settings for your blog. On this screen you can edit the HTML for your Tumblr theme, change your blog description and edit import settings for third-party websites.
  3. Click the "Theme" link in the header, then select "Enable custom HTML" -- if this option is not already selected. The raw HTML for your Tumblr theme displays, allowing you to edit it.
  4. Save a backup of your Tumblr theme. Press "Ctrl+A" to highlight all the HTML code, then "Ctrl+C" to copy it. You can then paste the HTML code into a text editor such as Notepad. Press "Ctrl+V" in a blank Notepad file, then press "Ctrl+S" to save it. Type a name and select a location for your file in the "Save As" window, then click the "Save" button.
  5. Go back to the Tumblr theme customization page in your browser, then search through all the text by pressing "Ctrl+F" (the "Find" function) in the Tumblr HTML. In the window that appears, search for any instance of "{block:Tags}" -- without the quotes. Delete any instances the "Find" function uncovers, then repeat the process with any instance of "{tag}" -- again without quotes.

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