Sunday, 20 December 2015

Delete Job or Education Facebook

Social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, provide a hub for users to keep in touch with friends (old and new), make professional connections and partake in the online social experience. Unfortunately, privacy can easily become an issue if you are not familiar with the ins and outs of a website. Learning to navigate and use the privacy tools provided by these social sites is imperative if you are to maintain control over what other users are allowed to see.

Open an Internet browser on your computer.

Navigate to The Facebook homepage will open.

Enter your email address and password into the appropriate fields and click on the "Log In" button. Your Facebook homepage will open.

Look to the top right corner of the page and click on the "Profile" button. Your profile page will open.

Click on the "Edit Profile" button. A page will open with your basic information on it.

Look to the left of the page and click on the "Education and Work" tab.

Delete your education and work information by clicking on the "Edit" button to the immediate right of the information you entered. Click on the small "X" next to each place of business and educational institution and click "Save Changes." You will have to repeat this step with each business or educational institution you have entered.

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