Organic Search Engine Optimization
One of the main priorities of an SEO manager will be organic search engine optimization. This includes all aspects of SEO outside of pay-per-click advertising, which is not included in the organic realm. Areas of importance include keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, domain name selection, overall marketing and promotion and more. Digging up important keywords and key phrases and utilizing them in the correct fashion remains a priority.
Link Building
Link building has risen to the premier task of any SEO manager. In the 2009 Search Engine Ranking Factors study compiled by, factors related to link building held the top three most important spots for how websites get ranked within the search engines. An SEO manager will need to obtain partnerships and support within the niche or industry, find high-ranking websites willing to link back to the company site, offer services and collaboration with other webmasters and participate in various other strategies to help build links to the site.
Pay Per Click
Pay-per-click advertising is also known as paid search engine optimization. An SEO manager will commonly be responsible for running PPC campaigns. This work includes keyword research, bidding strategies, advertising copy and landing page optimization, testing and fine-tuning advertisements and more. PPC can produce powerful, instant success, and the role of SEO manager is to capitalize on that while keeping costs down.
Social Media
Social media is gaining more prominence in the realm of online marketing and search engine optimization. Nearly any job description for an SEO manager today will place a premium on a skill set that includes a proven track record navigating the ever-evolving world of social media. Being able to utilize tools and services such as Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and others is of the utmost importance.
Firms vs. Individual Companies
The job description for an SEO manager working at a firm, as opposed to one working for an individual company, will be very different. The SEO manager at a firm will be handling multiple clients and accounts, and will be a part of a larger team that's all dedicated to online marketing and search engine optimization. The SEO manager working for just one company will of course be focused on their needs alone, and will likely have less help in terms of additional staff members to get the job done.