Thursday, 18 February 2016

Disconnect Tumblr From Facebook

Facebook users who also use the Tumblr blogging website can link their Tumblr accounts to their Facebook profiles so that every post they make from Tumblr appears in their Facebook News Feed. To prevent Tumblr posts from appearing in the News Feed, disconnect the Tumblr account from the Facebook account.

Open the computer's Web browser and navigate to the Facebook login page. Type your Facebook account email address and password in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button.

Click the "Account" button in the upper-right corner of the Facebook homepage and select the "Privacy Settings" option from the drop-down menu.

Click the "Edit your settings" link beneath the "Apps and Websites" heading to view the apps, games and websites linked to your Facebook account.

Click the "Edit Settings" button to the right of the "Apps you use" heading.

Click the "X" icon to the right of the "Tumblr" application heading, then "Remove" to disconnect Tumblr from the Facebook account.

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