Thursday, 18 February 2016

Move Profile Picture from Facebook

Facebook profile pictures give friends and people searching for you a quick snapshot of your life. Depending on your Facebook security level, anyone could search your name and view your profile picture. If for some reason you'd rather organize your profile picture into another album that only approved friends can see, you need to save the picture to your computer first and upload it into another album before deleting it from your profile picture default album.

Sign into your Facebook account. When on the Facebook home page, click your name next to your profile picture to enter your profile. Then, click your profile picture. You'll be directed to a default album containing all your profile pictures.

Click the profile picture that you'd like to move. This opens a photo navigator where you can browse through your pictures. Select "Download," which you'll find in the bottom left-hand corner of the navigator. A file box appears. Give the picture a file name and navigate to a folder you'll remember. Click "Save."

Click the "X" on the upper-right corner to close the photo navigator. Click the word "Albums," which appears at the top of the profile picture album. This directs you to a page where you can view all of your past albums. Select the album that you'd like to move your profile picture into.

Click "Upload Photos" on the upper right-hand side of the page. Then, click "Select Photos" to open a file box where you can choose your saved profile picture from your computer. Click on the photo and then click "Open" to upload the photo to the new album.

Click your name at the top of the album page, which allows you to navigate back to your profile. To delete the profile picture from your profile picture album, click on your current profile picture, select it from the album and click "Delete This Photo." You can then choose a past profile picture as your current image or upload a new photo altogether.

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