Saturday 27 February 2016

Track Conversations on Facebook

Social media tool Facebook is a convenient way to stay in touch with friends and other Facebook contacts. Over the years, the site has rolled out several features that make it easier to monitor your online relationships. Track public and private conversations using Facebook utilities.

Activate your new Facebook messages as soon as you receive an invitation to do so. Facebook begin rolling out a new message platform, which integrates the previous "Messages" with chat message and text messages you exchange with contacts, allowing you to keep track of all private communications you have with other Facebook users. Click any user's name in your inbox to see your full conversation history with him.

Keep "Facebook Chat" tabs open to save chat conversations you've had with others if you haven't yet been invited to use the new mailbox. Doing so allows you to re-view them and keep track of conversations with a person. Chat conversations you don't close remain docked at the bottom of your Facebook page, even after you close out of Facebook, your browser or even turn off your computer entirely.

Visit the profile of a user with whom you want to track your communication. Move your mouse to right side of his profile and click "See Friendship" to see a list of public communications you've exchanged. These include wall posts, as well as comments to "News Feed" posts, pictures and videos.

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