Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Forward Attachments in Gmail

Unlike replies that strip attachments from the original message, Gmail automatically includes any attachments contained in the forwarded message. You have the option to remove these attachments when you forward an email, but no further action is required to keep the attachment. However, the attachment may not be visible in the composition screen, because Gmail adds the notation to the bottom of the message.

Log in to your Gmail account and click the message you want to forward.

Click "Forward" in the bottom composition box. Alternatively, click the small triangle at the top right of the message and select "Forward."

Enter the recipient's email address in the To field and add any pertinent text in the body of the message.

Scroll to the bottom of the composition body to find the attached file. If you want to exclude one or more attachments, click the "X" to the right of the individual attachment.

Click "Send."

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