Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Get New Gmail Layout

Google is by no means afraid of revamping the look of its Web-based email client. It introduced the Priority Inbox in August 2010 to automatically rate emails based on importance. In May 2013, a new tab-based interface was introduced to sort messages into categories: Primary, Social, Promotions, Forums and Updates. The controls built into Gmail's Web app interface enable you to switch between these two layouts as required. Your setting will be remembered the next time you log in to Gmail, no matter which computer you're using.

Log in to your Gmail account. Click or tap the drop-down menu arrow that appears when you hover over the "Inbox" link.

Choose "Default" from the list that appears. This applies Gmail's newest tab-based layout.

Open the drop-down menu again. Choose the "Manage Your Inbox Settings" link from the "Default" pane if you wish to configure the layout further.

Tick the relevant boxes to specify the tabs you'd like to enable. Hover over any tab to see examples of messages it will contain. Messages that Gmail can't find a tab for or that match a disabled tab appear in the Primary section.

Click or tap "Save" to confirm your choices and apply them to your Inbox.

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