Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Stop Email Forwarding From Gmail

Although it's normally quite helpful, Gmail's wide set of features can sometimes end up working against you. This is the especially true when there are several different ways to achieve the same result, as is the case with forwarding. In addition to using Gmail's forwarding tool, it is also possible to forward messages using filters or fetch them using POP or IMAP. Depending on your preferences and needs at the time, you may have set up forwarding using any or all of these methods.

Sign in to the Gmail account for which you want to deactivate forwarding, click the "Settings" button and select "Settings."

Select the "Filters" tab to open a list of filters for that account. Look through the list for any filters that forward messages -- you can recognize them from their description, which includes "Forward to yourotheremail@example.com." Whenever you find such a filter, click the "delete" link associated with it and then click "OK" to confirm.

Select the "Forwarding and POP / IMAP" tab. If you set up automatic forwarding for all mail, you will see a number of options in the Forwarding section, including "Forward a Copy of Incoming mail" and "Disable Forwarding." Ensure this latter option is selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Changes."

Send an email to the Gmail account to test whether the issue is resolved. If it isn't, you configured your current email account to pull messages from the Gmail account directly, using either POP or IMAP. To solve the issue, you need to change the configuration of your current email account. For more information on how to do that, refer to the help files of the service you use or contact customer support.

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