Saturday, 31 December 2016

Tips to Tie Paracord Survival Bracelet

Paracord is a form of thin rope commonly used to connect a parachute to a parachute harness. The rope also has other uses and is very handy in survival situations. A simple way to keep a length of paracord available at all times is to weave it into a bracelet that you can wear on your wrist. When the time comes that you need the paracord, simply unravel the bracelet. You can make your own paracord survival bracelet in about 15 minutes using a technique called the cobra weave.

Measure around your wrist to determine how many inches of bracelet you need to make.

Cut a 14-foot length of paracord. Heat the ends of the paracord, carefully, to melt the ends and prevent them from fraying.

Fold the paracord equally in half. Double the folded end of the paracord back on itself the same number of inches as the measurement from your wrist.

Grasp the four doubled-over cords with one hand just below the end loop. Place one long strand of cord around the back of the end loop to form a small side loop to the right of the end loop. Place the other long strand across the front of the end loop to form a small side loop to the left of the end loop.

Thread the end of the back strand through the back of the left side loop. Thread the end front strand through the front of the right side loop. Pull the strands to tighten them around the end loop.

Place the long strand on the right side of the end loop across the front of the four doubled-over cords to form a right-side loop. Place the left long strand around the back of the four doubled-over cords to form a loop on the left side below the knot.

Thread the back strand through the back of the loop on the right side and the front strand through the front of the loop on the left side. Pull both strands to tighten them around the four doubled-over cords.

Place the strand now on the left side across the front of the four doubled-over cords to form a left-side loop. Place the right long strand around the back of the four doubled-over cords to form a loop on the right side.

Thread the back strand through the back of the left-side loop. Thread the front strand through the front of right-side loop. Pull both strands to tighten the knot around the four doubled-over cords.

Repeat Steps 6 through 9 down the length of the four doubled-over cords until you reach the opposite to leave two small loops of cord.

Thread the end of each strand through one of the remaining loops. Pull the loop at the other end of the weave to tighten the two small loops around the strand ends.

Double the two strand ends and tie an overhand knot in them. Trim the cord to the knot and melt the cord ends with the lighter to finish the bracelet.

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