Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How to Keep Technology Trends

Technology changes so fast and affects our lives so much that it seems like a challenge to keep apace with it. But whether for your business or personal use, it's important that you do. It's not especially hard to keep abreast of technology; you just have to know where to look and get past the jargon.
  1. Step 1

    Read technology-oriented publications such as anything from CNET Networks and related business publications such as Wired magazine for a good understanding of how technology is driving business innovation and being integrated into everyday life.
  2. Step 2

    Establish an RSS feed that contains the news from the sources you choose. These can be emailed to you in a daily digest, or you can read them in an RSS program such as Google Reader or NewsGator (in Outlook).
  3. Step 3

    Drink coffee with your favorite "geek" or "techie" on a weekly or monthly basis to get the scoop on what's new in the tech world and relevant to your business or your life. You can also join local tech enthusiast groups and industry-focused email lists such as those on ZDNet. Gain insight into technology trends by listening carefully to what these tech savants have to say.
  4. Step 4

    Join Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites to follow what prominent business leaders are saying and blogging about regarding what's new in technology.
  5. Step 5

    Identify journalists, podcasters, bloggers and more media insiders worth following to incorporate a daily digest of tech news and information into your life, and you will find yourself on top of technology trends.

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